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Precedent Studies : Dwellings & Typologies I
A Process of Work : From a Floor Plate to a Building

This post is an extension of one of the projects worked on during an Urban Housing Studio within the Graduate Studies, in where different residential typologies had to be explored. Through these typologies the architectural proposal 'Tahiti Housing' by Kevin Daley Architects was presented as a precedent. In this post we are mostly interested in developing a format of pedagogy, considering Urban Residential Housing Dwellings and Typologies, for which, the idea is to conclude a process of design for urban housing and/or differentiate what is High-End Residential Living and why shouldn't these co-exist?

Image By [Tim Griffith] via [Kevin Daley Architects]
In the top left corner there are three diagrams introducing the methodology behind the transformation of what is the Tahiti proposal as a residential dwelling. What we develop is the residenital living unit transforming to enhance the spatial qualities of the space. From being a compartment of two living areas with a green terrace and an entry vestibule, to the living space with a private green terrace in each unit and then finally a new residential layout with a wrap around vestibule including an elevator as the main void of the structure. In the upper right diagram, triplets of three-story buildings are developed as shown, co-existing to the zoning requirements of the site showing how the manipulation of the Tahiti proposal was studied in order to present a new system of architecture and housing.
After this building typology was developed, new interior layouts were produced to determine different residential living spaces and to identify the manipulation of what would be MEP lines and wet walls, to how they alter and affect the residential living experience, as well as, the energy and claustrophobia of a space. The diagram to the right is the existing 2-bedroom Tahiti proposal and the bottom units showing the diversity between Two--Bedrooms, Three-Bedrooms, a Bachelor Pad and a Two-Story proposal including Master areas in their respective spaces. Ideally, the idea is that this typology of a dwelling system, taken from a precedent, can develop into a building of Urban Housing. . . . . . .

Here to the left what we find is a two-bedroom residential architectural layout with an open kitchen, living, dining and readings area that allow for a pleasureable living experience.
To the right is a proposal for a two-bedroom including a master bedroom as shown in the floor plan, for which we can begin to study and analyze the differences in spatial arrangements, as well as, structural, lighting., mechanical and plumbing capabilities. With an additional bathroom for the Master Area, a new wet wall is of need and the reading area is minimized.

Here we find a three-bedroom residential with a master and begin to take note of the amount of leisure in space that is lost, specifically, the play area, as compared to the two-bedroom living units. More importantly, we get to study efficiency in plumbing and the wet-wall system, in where the layout is designed to provide an easy run for MEP lines.
To the right is the introduction of the Bachelor Pad Residential where a big open layout is introduced with a powder room and master bedroom that uses a very efficient MEP system, as well as, allows the use of private terraces for each corresponding unit. The diagrams, as shown, identify the claustrophobic spaces and the open spaces for leisure.

Through these two architectural floor plans we find a proposal for a two-story residential unit including a void for an elevator, an open living, kitchen-dining area, as well as, a reading and play area, and a swimming pool for a very enriching and pleasureable experience.Through the diagrams we can study the efficiency of the Wet-Wall and the accuracy of the oppenness of the space.
The upper and private level of the residential space includes the party wall, as shown in all other layouts, as well as, the identification of the three bedrooms including a master bedroom and private terraces with a private tv area and a void for a spiraling staircase.

Finally, after really transforming the residential dwelling typology from the initial proposal, a building is to be developed in where the introduction of urban housing with interrelationships of high-end residential living experiences can co-exist. The diagrams above show how we have transformed the architectural layout of the standard Tahiti floor plate to what is a bit more of a dynamic vertical architectural experience. From the wrap around vestibule allowing a space for the elevator, to the extrusion of what is the green terrace area, to having that language be introduced on the façade of a building structure as shown in the diagrams. From a floor plate, to the building, to an urbanism/architectural complex identifying green spaces and circulation areas at a very schematic level.
The goal: to transform this very schematic process into a study of residential typologies as introduced in the above floor plan schemes which can then be examples of urban housing infrastructure within their own right. Here to the right, we see how the elevator works in between the two structures which has been mirrored, while juxtaposing a floor plate with green terraces and livable areas. In the following post, we will introduce the structural properties necessary for these dwelling types to exist at a vertical extension, as well as, get a high glimpse of the architectural spaces that can be developed through the standard floor plate creating a completely new and different architecture. . . . . . .